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The Evolution of Platelet Rich Fibrin

Platelet Rich Fibrin also known as PRF has been used over the last 3 decades due to its ability to release growth factors that are important for healing and regeneration. 

In clinical dentistry, it is often used at the time of surgical procedures such as wisdom teeth removal, bone grafting and dental implant placement to help speed the healing process. Since it is autogenous (from the patient itself), it is accepted by the body without potential rejection.

Dr. Mark Bishara is a leader in Canada in the field of PRF research with numerous publications and textbook authorship related to PRF. 

If you are patient interested to learn more about PRF, or join a hands on course, send us an email at our contact information below.

platelet rich fibrin dentist

Experience Matters

Dr. Mark Bishara is ranked in the top 2 of experts in Canada based on publications in the field of Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF). 


If you are a patient seeking alternatives to your dental implant treatment, contact us for a consultation today.

Next-Generation Biomaterials for Bone & Periodontal Regeneration

Textbook Author

Dr. Mark Bishara is a textbook author on PRF in regenerative dentistry.

New and innovative biomaterials are being discovered or created in laboratories at an unprecedented rate, but many of them remain entirely foreign to practicing clinicians. This book addresses this gap in knowledge by summarizing some of the groundbreaking research performed to date on this topic and providing case examples of these biomaterials at work. The book begins with a review of the biologic background and applications of bone grafting materials utilized in dentistry. The principles of guided tissue and bone regeneration are covered in detail, including many recent advancements in barrier membrane technologies as well as use of platelet-rich fibrin and various growth factors, and many next-generation materials that will optimize future bone and periodontal regeneration are presented. The final chapter is designed to help clinicians select appropriate biomaterials for each specific regenerative protocol. Much like one implant size and shape cannot be utilized for every indication in implant dentistry, one bone grafting material, barrier membrane, or growth factor cannot maximize regenerative outcomes in all clinical situations. This textbook teaches clinicians how to utilize biomaterials in an appropriate, predictable, and evidence-based manner.

Dentistry Today

Modern Implant Dentistry

Textbook Author

Dr. Mark Bishara is a textbook author on PET (Partial Extraction Therapy)

This book takes a comprehensive look at the state of implant dentistry today, equipping beginners and seasoned clinicians alike to improve their skills and practice implant dentistry safely and predictably. The early chapters focus on the biology of dental implants as well as medical considerations required prior to placing them, followed by chapters dedicated to documentation, treatment planning, and digital workflow. Surgical concepts are then described in detail, from single-tooth extraction to guided All-on-X treatment, followed by detailed discussion of the prosthetic options available in implant dentistry. The final chapters include relevant topics such as soft tissue management in implant dentistry, treatment of peri-implant disease, the socket shield technique, and marketing of dental implant therapy. Written by experienced clinicians from all over the world, the book includes over 60 surgical and clinical videos (linked via QR codes) to demonstrate what the procedures and techniques and products look like in real life, not in a photograph taken in ideal conditions, so readers can be confident in their understanding.

Dr Mark Bishara Dental Implants.JPG

Official Publications

Link to past research articles of relevance to implant dentistry we have written

Miron RJ, Fujioka-Kobayashi M, Bishara M, Zhang Y, Hernandez MA, Choukroun

J. Platelet Rich Fibrin and Soft Tissue Wound Healing: A Systematic Review. Tissue Eng Part B Rev. 2017 Feb;23(1):83-99. doi: 10.1089/ten.TEB.2016.0233.

Miron RJ, Zucchelli G, Pikos MA, Salama M, Lee S, Guillemette V, Fujioka Kobayashi M, Bishara M, Zhang Y, Wang HL, Chandad F, Nacopoulos C, Simonpieri A, Aalam AA, Felice P, Sammartino G, Ghanaati S, Hernandez MA, Choukroun J. Use of Platelet Rich Fibrin in Regenerative Dentistry: A Systematic Review. Clin Oral Investig. 2017 Jul;21(6):1913-1927. doi: 10.1007/s00784-017-2133-z. Epub 2017 May 27.

Miron RJ, Bishara M, Choukroun J. Basics of Platelet Rich Fibrin “PRF” therapy. Dent Today. 2017 Apr;36(4):74-6. No abstract available.

Bishara M, Kurtzman GM. Cutting-Edge   Implant   Rehabilitation   Design and Management: A Tapered Abutment Approach. Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2017 Jul;38(7):e13-e16.

Bishara M, Kurtzman GM, Choukroun J, Miron RJ. Soft-Tissue Grafting Techniques Associated With Immediate Implant Placement. Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2018 Feb;39(2):e1-e4.

Miron RJ, Pikos MA, Bishara M. Vitamin D Deficiency and Early Implant Failure: What Every Implant Clinician Should Know Dent Today. 2020 Apr.

Miron RJ, Moraschini V, Del Fabbro M, Piattelli A, Fujioka-Kobayashi M , Zhang Y, Saulacic N, Schaller B, Kawase T ,Cosgarea R, Jepsen S, Tuttle D, Bishara M, Canullo L, Eliezer M, Stavropoulos A,Shirakata Y, Stähli A, Gruber R, Ondine L, Aroca S, Deppe ,H, Wang HL, Sculean A. Use of platelet-rich fibrin for the treatment of gingival   recessions: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Clin Oral Investig 2020 Aug;24(8):2543-2557

Bishara M, Kurtzman GM. The Art of Mastering Emergence Profile. Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2020 Oct

Mohamed N, Bishara M, Miron RJ. Custom fabrication of a three-dimensional bone allograft block utilizing digital technology/printing and heat-treated platelet-rich fibrin for improved mechanical stability Dent Today 2020 Oct.

Miron RJ , Moraschini V , Fujioka-Kobayashi M , Zhang Y , Kawase T , Cosgarea

R ,Jepsen S ,Bishara M, Canullo L , Shirakata Y , Gruber R , Ferenc D, Diuana M, Maia, C,Wang HL , Sculean A Use of Platelet-Rich Fibrin for the treatment of intrabony defects: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical Oral Investigations. 2021 May

Bishara M, Wu D, Sinada N, Miron RJ, Karateew D, Gluckman H, Salama M  Partial Extraction Therapy for Applications in Full Arch Dental Implant Therapy-Three Case Reports, International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry August 2023

Bishara M, Wu D, Miron RJ, Nguyen. T, Sinada N, Gluckman H, Salama M. Partial Extraction Therapy (Part 2): Complication Management in Full Arch Dental Implant Therapy – Three Case Reports. International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry Oct 2023

Bishara M, Miron RJ, Kurtzman G, Sinada N, Wu D Digital Approach to Immediate Load Full Arch Implant Dentistry, International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry.  2022 Sept

Wu D, Cho Y,Spalti M, Bishara M, Nguyen T.  The Link Between Periodontitis and Alzheimer’s Disease – Emerging Clinical Evidence. Elsevier 2023 March

Accepted Posters:

Bishara M. Partial Extraction Therapy: Management of the aesthetic zone adjacent to a previously placed dental implant. ITI World Symposium 202ONE Sept 2021

Bishara M. Wu D. Management of the aesthetic zone adjacent to a previously placed dental implant. AAP meeting Nov 2021

Bishara M. Wu D. A Digital Approach to Immediate Load Full Arch Implant Dentistry. AO meeting Feb 2022

Textbooks contributing author:

Miron RJ,   Aalam   AA,   Krivitsky-Aalam   A,   Fujioka-Kobayashi   M,   Guillemette V, Chandad F, Bishara M, Kurtzman G, Simonpieri A, Zhang Y, Ghanaati Y, Choukroun J. Autogenous Blood-Derived Barrier Membranes: Platelet-Rich Fibrin in Regenerative Dentistry. In Miron RJ, Zhang Y. Next Generation Biomaterials for Bone and Periodontal Regeneration. Quintessence Publishing Co. Chicago USA. (2019).

Miron RJ, Pikos M, Du Toit J, Bishara M, Selvan S, Gil A, Massimo Del Fabro. Use of PRF for Extraction Site Management. Published in "Understanding Platelet-Rich Fibrin"  Quintessence Publishing Co. Chicago USA. (2021).

Bishara M Partial Extraction Therapy: from single tooth to full arch application. Published in “Modern Implant Dentistry” Quintessence Publishing Co. Chicago USA. (2023).

©2024 by Dr. Mark Bishara DDS

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